Business processes management
The VG BackOffice integrates every essential softwares for the operational and financial management of your company.

What is the cost of an invoice ?
The cost of an invoice is not the cost of printing !
It is the cost of the operational and financial processes.
VisualGest optimizes and automates all these processes !
The VG documentary follow-up, a unique concept on ERP market of the ERP !
Features of VG Backoffice

- Budgetary and analytical general accounting - developed in association with fiduciaries.
- Investments management.
- Payrolls management: integration of all the contractual configurations.
- Global, split and boundled invoicing, on a mounthly basis, XML, BVR, BVR +, Isabel (EU)
- Debtors management: cash-ins, reminders, monthly statements, litigations and prosecution.
- Creditors management: DTA, IBAN, SOG, (HAD) Isabel, schedule of creditors, preparing payrolls.
- Multi-level pricing strategy.
- Customer management: multicriteria research, link equipoise steroid side effects with the Swiss Twixtel Directory.
- Customers Order Management through the VisualGest documentary follow-up.
- Comodities Management , multi-criteria research and decision-making interface.
- Stock Management multi-sites, multi-stocks, generalization of bar codes, mobility with PDA.
- Management and planning of the supplier’s order.
- Management of multi-level manufacturing.
- Business Organization, CRM
- Project / mandates management and the integration of terminals – badge readers.
- Automated mailling, e-mail, SMS.
- Intranet and VGWebShop. On-line order taking, direct management through VisualGest ERP, Backlog customers for ISO integration.
- Electronic archiving.