VG WebShop

Fully integrated, it offers a the real-time data management (pricing strategies, products, customers, stock availability, history, backlogs, open positions, ...).
A customer order entry on the VG WebShop is immediately to see in VG-BackOffice.
The VG WebShop is fully controlled by the VG-Back Office and requires no data update.
Integrate your current WebShop, is it possible ?
The VisualGest procedures can be easily integrated by a webmaster.
Which are the different types of WebShop ?
It requires a periodic data update with your management-software..
Controlled by your management-software, it disposes of real time data.
Is your company ISO approved ?
Thanks the backlogs (detailed tracking of customer orders), the VG WebShop meets the requirements of traceability of the information.
Your customers VG WebShop can access their purchase history and see the status of their orders in real time.
Intranet and vgWebShop. Online order taking, direct management through VisualGest ERP, Backlog clients for ISO integration.
What is the difference between VG WebShop and other similar solutions ?
⇒ Only one provider for both management software and VG WebShop
⇒ No information update, your VG WebShop is connected online
⇒ Your BackOffice pricing strategy is directly connected to your VG WebShop.
⇒ A product created in Back Office is automatically take over on your VG WebShop.
⇒ Your client login with his password and dispose of his Backlog, his open positions and his history online.
Your internet shop is not synchronized at regular, timely intervals ! It is working in real time !
Internet, a strategic issue for your business ?
New technologies bring decisive competitive advantages to your business. They allow improving particularly the performances, while reducing costs in the area of internal communication, marketing, customer relations and sales.
With a high return on investment and low costs in the long term, the introduction of these technologies is a profitable and accessible adventure for both large accounts and SMEs.
By adopting the solutions VG WebShop, you enjoy innovative products fully integrated to the ERP Visualgest.