Sales / Delivery
VG Front Office
manages a point of sale / delivery and integrates all components POS
(barcode readers, receipt printers / barcodes, identification tools, membership cards or loyalty cards, ...).

Multi-store and multi-cash-register
- You dispose of an unlimited number of stores and cash-register per store.
- All information can be accessed in real time, no need of synchronization with the stores.
- The stock of each store can be accessed by all sites.
- The transfers between stores are managed effectively as needed.

Bar codes are generalized. Your client sign his delivery note using a tablet (PAD), this signature is checked for acceptance. All FrontOffice operations are logged and can be checked in BackOffice.

Customer loyalty
Customer cards and gift cards are centralized and managed in multi-sites. With her/his card, your client receives all information on all sites

The control and the monitoring of all the stores, as well as the transmission of the information to the accounting, are done in BackOffice.

Management of credit sales
Credit sales are controlled in real time on all the sites, the exceeded credit limit authorizations are managed by a verification code sent via SMS to the sales manager. The delivery notes, that are signed electronically, are archived and can be reprinted and attached to the invoice, invoice that is sent at the end of the chosen period.
Controlling several stores, several cash register in real time! Identify, manage and secure the loyalty of your customers on all your point-of-sales!
VG Front Office Features
Point of sales, point of delivery
Applications, professions : Paint stores/tools, sport stores, Natel shops, Restaurants, ...
Customizable and user friendly interface
Fully integrated barcode (reading, management, printing)
Replication and database synchronization with the BackOffice
Customer cards,...